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Wellspring Notizblock, Mehrfarbig, 0.77 x 7.3199999999999994 x 11.129999999999999 cm

Wellspring Notizblock, Mehrfarbig, 0.77 x 7.3199999999999994 x 11.129999999999999 cm von Wellspring
13,00 €
Farbe: grün
Versand: 15,41 €
gefunden bei Amazon
zuletzt überprüft am: 22.12.2024 um 22:33 (der Preis kann sich seitdem geändert haben)
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Slim and light weight protected note pad is perfect for purses, briefcases, backpacks and pockets. 50 sheet perforated pad with retractable pen encased in durable metal Great gift with design to match personality and style Handy to jot down thoughts, lists and reminders Refill pads and replacement pens are available