VICASKY Runde Nicht Berühren Aufkleber - 20 Stück Selbstklebende Warnschilder Mit Sicherheitswarnung - 25 Mm Perfekt Für Den Einsatz in Büros Werkstätten Und Öffentlichen Bereichen

Don't touch warning label sticker--the do not touch warning sign decals can remind people to pay attention to their hands safety to avoid hurt,safety label decal Security caution sign stickers--the safety warning sticker make people know that the device is dangerous, very practical and necessary,safety warning sign sticker Round warning vinyl decal--with obvious color and clear patterns, the warning sign decal will have warning effects,device do not touch stickers Please do not touch sticker--made of workmanship, the do not touch warning sticker has clear patterns, and will not easily fade,do not touch sticker No touch sign stickers--the warning sign is necessary for some and construction site, to avoid accident,do not touch warning stickers