Selbstklebende Universal-Etiketten, 75 Blatt, 210 x 297 mm, glänzendes Papier für Drucker, Klebepapier, A4, Etikettendrucker, bedruckbar für Bürobedarf, Laser- und Tintenstrahldrucker

Universal computer sticker papier zum bedrucken – our klebeetiketten zum bedrucken can be printed with printer, inkjet printer, laser printer, ballpoint pen, fibre pen, highlighter and coloured pencil. Fast adhesive top flatness guarantees jam-free printing of noticeably thicker labels, adhere quickly and securely even on cool and damp surfaces Application in the office - Our glossy stickers can be used for email stickers, shipping labels, parcel, barcode labels, back, address labels, labelling files and folders. Use in housework for homemade items from the kitchen, as freezer labels, beer labels, jams or for preserving jars/spice jars/pastry bags/jam jars. Environmentally friendly and sustainable: 100% label paper, no chlorine bleach, acid-free, solvent-free and recyclable