Garneck 100 Paar Schmetterlings Anstecker Pins - Metallverschlüsse in Gold Und Nickel - 11mm DIY Bastelbedarf Für Kreative Krawatten Und Accessoires

Enhanced security: the locking feature of these butterfly clutch pins provides extra security, ensuring pins stay securely on your clothing,butterfly clutch pins,Butterfly Pins Fine workmanship: every detail of these locking pin backs has been meticulously crafted, demonstrating the meticulous attention that went into its creation,clutch pin backs locking,pin backing for craft making Easy to use: locking pin backs are easy to use and can be attached to pins quickly and easily, making them a convenient addition to your craft collection,butterfly clutch tie tacks,brooch making pins Effortless attachment: boasting user-friendly locking pin backs, these accessories facilitate seamless attachment to your pins, ideal for all craft makers,tie tack,pins for crafts : the built-in locking mechanism of these butterfly pins offers a dependable layer of security, assuring that your pins remain steadfastly affixed to the object,locking pin backs,clutch pin backs replacement