Veemoon Aufblasbare Regenbogen-Eistüte Mit Flagge – Bunte Eiscreme-Requisiten Für Schwimmbad Und Geburtstagsparty Dekorationen Ideal Für Sommerliche Feiern Und Events

Ice cream cone toy for kids:this inflatable ice cream toy is suitable for a wide range of events, from birthdays to weddings, adding a fun and playful touch to any celebration,inflatable decoration Ice cream prop:this inflatable ice cream party prop is made of pvc material, built to last,party favor Ice cream cone inflatable:the pvc material used in this product is reusable and safe, making it a sustainable choice for party decorations,party ice cream cone Easy to store and transport: convenient for storage and transportation,inflatable ice cream cone prop,inflatable ice cream cone Inflatable ice cream:manufactured with and reliable pvc material, for use, can be used as a photo prop as well as ice cream toy,ice cream cone prop, Hersteller: Veemoon