Veemoon 30 Stück Mini Quasten in Gelb Mit Goldenen Sprungringen – Perfekte Deko Für DIY-Projekte - Schlüsselanhänger Ohrringe Und Schmuck Basteln – Ideal Für Kreative Bastler

Tassels for crafts--a great opportunity to add beauty to your everyday style, everyone who sees it will praise it,diy keychain Keychain tassel--exquisite binding line, the binding line is strong and full, the thread end is uniform and not easy to be deformed, twisted or short,tassel keychain bulk Key chain tassels--suit for any DIY project, DIY your own bracelets, necklaces, earrings bookmark, fan candy box, present bags and other jewelry craft,tassel charm Tassels for keychain--tassels will always stay straight and never fray for very long time, just air out once you receiving tassel,keychain accessories Keychain tassel bulk--small and smart, it does not take up space, it is a choice whether it is hung indoors or used as an accessory to go out,tassels for keychains