20 Stück Lesezeichen Quasten, Schlüsselanhänger Quasten, Schlüsselanhänger dekorative Quasten, Armband Quasten, Schultaschen, Rucksack dekorative Quasten

Product content: You will receive 20 pieces of tassels, each piece is 11cm in total length, including 10 pieces in ginger color and 10 pieces in beige color, suitable for a variety of decoration and craft projects. Product material: This product is made of cotton yarn material, which is soft and durable, adding a touch of natural style to your crafts. Multifunctional use: This tassel can be used to decorate bookmarks, key rings, bracelets, and school bags and backpacks, and can even be used as a decoration for curtains. The multifunctional design meets your various needs. decorative features: With its vibrant ginger and mild beige colors, this tassel adds color and style to any decorating project, making your piece more eye-catching. easy to use: Each piece of tassel is designed for easy hooking so you can quickly and easily add it to any project without complicated installation steps.