24 Stück Rote Herz-Aufnäher Bestickt, Bügelbilder Herz Zum Aufbügeln/Aufnähen Herz Bestickte Patches Herzförmige Aufnäher Aufbügelflicken Applikation Für Jacken Hüte Rucksäcke Jeans

Fantastische Dekoration: 24 rote herz patches in 4 größen. Jeder herzaufnäher hat auf der rückseite dauerhaften kleber und kann zum übertragen aufgebügelt oder auf stoff genäht werden. Die verschiedenen größen der herzen zum aufbügeln werden ihren unterschiedlichen bedürfnissen gerecht oder sie können eine vielzahl von bastelprojekten frei erstellen oder dekorieren. Exquisite Craftsmanship: Our red iron on letters are made from non-woven fabric with clear patterns and no unwanted threads, durable and hard-wearing. The iron on letters red has a heat sealant on the back which melts when heated, thus attaching well to the textile and can be easily ironed or sewn on, and the patch will not come off after ironing. How to Use: These iron on letters can be ironed or sewn on to most types of garments, you can place the monogram alphabet patches on a cotton cloth to hold them in place before ironing, set the iron to 100-150 degrees for 5-10 seconds. If you want to keep them from falling off, you'd better sew them up. Wide Range of Applications: These iron on letter patches are suitable for all kinds of shirts, jackets, baseball uniforms, hats, jeans, shoes, bags, blankets and more. Alphabet embroidered patch a-z can also be used for repairs, decoration and various DIYs to make them look even more unique and beautiful! Fantastic Decoration: With these letter iron on patches , worn parts of your clothes can be subtly covered and even look more unique in everyday life; or use these embroidered letters to design different styles and make unique slogans that are more eye-catching and attractive!