1 Stücke Bohrschablone Scharniere, Forstnerbohrer Holzbohrer, Scharnierbohrer Scharnier Jig, Scharnier Boring Jig, 35mm Forstner Bit (35-mm-Scharnierbohrlehre + Forstner-Bohrer-Set)
High quality: The hinge hole drill is made of super hard alloy, which cuts more sharply, has excellent drilling ability, and can well remove debris. Features: The aperture of the hinge hole opener is 35mm. The special detachable depth limiter design makes drilling easier. It can work according to the center reference line and quickly locate the drilling center point of the hinge and mounting plate. Easy to use: The hidden hinge clamp drilling tool guide device can quickly locate the hinge center point, even if you are not a professional, you can quickly locate the hinge and the drilling center point of the mounting plate. Fixed drilling tools: The drilling bit group can be adjusted according to the changes of the door side, suitable for drilling hidden hinges and door locks. Wide range of uses: Suitable for drilling machines, pistol drills, bench drills, vertical drilling machines, vertical electric drilling machines, mobile magnetic drilling machines, etc. Suitable for woodworking DIY or professional engineers.