Piece Of Cake Soap Ein Stück Kuchen Seife Geburtstag Geschenk Idee Cake Badezimmer Bad Deko Gästeseife Mitbringsel

Tired of banal gifts? You definitely haven't met this yet! 3D soap in the form of a piece of cake will not only be an original gift, but also an occasion for a surprise or a prank. After all, not everyone will understand that in front of them is a piece of soap, not a cake. Surprise your friends & family with an interesting, original & useful gift. The scent of the soap is also very tasty. The soap is universal, suitable for hands, face or body. Each piece is unique, preserving a piece of the author's soul & heart. It will decorate your bathroom & take care of your skin. Ingredients: SLS-free premium soap base Zetesap 11s, fragrance, cosmetic pigment. Weight 145g Piece Of Cake Soap Ein Stück Kuchen Seife Geburtstag Geschenk Idee Cake Badezimmer Bad Deko Gästeseife Mitbringsel