55 Stück Unvollendete Holzplatte zum Basteln, Unlackierte Holzscheiben in verschiedenen Formen, Deko zum Basteln für Bastelarbeiten, Brandmalerei, Schreiben, Weihnachten, Ornamente

☑️【Wooden Craft Tray】Contains 16 round wooden pieces, 14 square wooden pieces, 25 rectangular wooden pieces, with 4 m rope. Meet your requirements for making multiple gift sets, crafts and other decorations with a thickness of 2 mm. ☑️Wooden Tray Size: 12 round wooden trays (10cm), 2 round wooden trays (16cm), 2 round wooden trays (20cm), 10 square wooden trays (10cm), 2 square wooden trays (16cm), 2 square wooden trays (20cm), 25 rectangular wooden slices (5*3, 4 cm), all 2 mm thick High-quality poplar: the craft board is made of high-quality natural poplar, which is non-toxic and odourless, looks like real natural wood, is strong and stable, natural and beautiful and has a long service life. Perfect crafts: you can use coloured pencils or sculptures to transform these natural wood pieces into beautiful crafts. Create unique decorations to decorate your home and give it its own style. Unfinished wooden boards: these pyrography wooden boards can not only serve as perfect learning toys to develop intelligence, improve practical skills and creativity, but you can also make them together with your children to promote parent-child interaction!